Volunteer Information
Thank you for registering to volunteer at the Muddy Warriors Xperience. We would like to thank each race crew volunteer and volunteer groups for outstanding service. We could not host this event without you!
Here we will post important dates and times.
Sign up to volunteerĀ for the MW Xperience MW Xperience is an event during which participants run or walk on a trail and overcome obstacles along the way.Ā All volunteers assisting in the event must be over the age of thirteen (13) day before the event and on the day of the event. During their shift, volunteers will assist the event staff with various tasks such as obstacle set up, registration, assisting with packet and gear pick up, selling merchandise, handing out water, directing parking lot traffic, working at the water and obstacle stations.
What you get for volunteering
ā¢ A MW Xperience t-shirt
ā¢ Water and snacks during the volunteering shift
ā¢ Community service approval
ā¢ Organizations that provide 10 or more volunteers will be able to have a promotional 10 x 10 booth at the current event.
“Rise by Lifting Others”